What to look forward to…

I’m away for the coming week, so I thought today rather than posting a review I’d share what’s on my shelf at the moment, to give you something to do – reviews will presumably appear at some point! I’ll see you all next Wednesday.

Dead Souls – Nikolai Gogol

Classic of 19th century Russian literature, intending to demonstrate the flaws and faults of the Russian character. Any relation to modern international relations purely coincidental.

Scarcity – Sendhil Mullainathan and Eldar Shafir

Discusses how being in need or impoverished affects our psychological decisionmaking

The Vikings: The last pagans or the first modern Europeans? – Jonathan Clements

An introduction to Viking history, putting them in a wider historical context; ie, they were very open-minded in their pillaging.

Taking the Path of Zen – Robert Aitken

One of the classic introductory Zen texts: once I read this, I also plan to read The Eight Gates of Zen, by John Daido Loori.

Learning to School: Federalism and Public Schooling in Canada – Jennifer Wallner

Examines Canada’s educational system, the only industrialized country without a national department of education (it’s all done at a provincial level).